1234 Movies Go

Wed, 17 Feb 2021 05:41:41 +0000
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Alliances were forged where rivalries were before. Everyone began to work together for the good of all. Refugees were rampant in the north, cities ignored their own problems to help take down this Titan of Death, and destruction was looming over the horizon. Five years later the war still rages on, but many have begun to forget why they are fighting so furiously because the Vonindod hasn't been seen since the Fall of Silverymoon. Our story started off in New Gem, a settlement and military outpost five years ago, but what quickly became a town out of necessity. Refugees had to go somewhere, and this was the closest place. The party uncovered a mass conspiracy here and tried to put an end to it. Before they could, more was found about the plan of the giants, and that they had a new threat. A large council meeting was held where all the leaders from around the realm met to discuss the war, and the giants took this opportunity to attack, trying to finish the humans off once and for all. But the party had learned about this and prepared, completely turning the tables and allowing themselves to win the battle.

Do you rename your photos, specifically Portrait Mode & Live Photos? : ApplePhotos

Who am I? My name is Cameron. Thanks for being interested in the game! This is a homebrew I have poured myself into for the past 2 years. I have also poured a decent little bit of money into it in the way of art commissions, map stuff, and modules on DMAcademy (no, I'm not going to pretend like 100% of this is mine, just the main stuff). I run this same campaign for another group of people, and this campaign started out as a playtest among friends. After the first few sessions, we decided to keep it going, and here we are. As a DM, I have several hundred hours of experience, and as a player I have… a little. All of my experience is 5e related. I don't know every rule or every spell, but I am familiar enough and can make things work on the fly when we don't know. I have very few house rules, but they pop up from time to time (due to the fact they are few in number, I can't really tell you what they are until they come up, sorry). I allow all officially published stuff with one notable exception: The new class option builder from Tasha's Cauldron of Everything.

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If you are, there's no real need to keep it since Photos displays the effect in the application. If you want the file with the effect, you can export it at any time. If you're using anything else, or want to future proof in case you move to something else in the future, it looks like you need the "E" to have the blurred effect baked in. So I think I've figured out how to keep both files and get them to work in Photos, but just wondering if anyone else is bothering with all this. 🙄

(I should mention that J is pretty sick of S's shit too but he's even less confrontational than I am). So a couple days go by and s is still trying to hit up j to hang out and j is doing his best to blow him off but this kid just can't take a hint. J at one point tells s that he's out of town and s comes to my house and circles the parking lot to stop in front of js car and text J asking for details about his car, "isn't your plate xyz 1234? " "Don't you have a sticker of this fairly unique thing? " And I'm at my limit. I text s for the final time before blocking him "stop stalking my house and my friends or I'll call the cops and send them to your mother's house. learn to take a hint, fuck off. " And I haven't heard from him since except the time he called me a bunch of names in the chat of bother the mobile games we played (clash of clans and kingdom hearts UX) which promptly got him kicked as I'm an admin on both parties. Sorry it's so long and the payoff isn't super rewarding but I was reminded of my story from another post I saw this morning.

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The party now knows much more about what is going on in the Sword Coast, and they are ready to start saving the day. Who are you? I'd like to get to know you. Like I said before, our group is pretty tight nit and we all get along fairly well. I'm not trying to sound picky, but I am being a little picky. Our game is fairly heavy in roleplay, and I want people who get along with all of us but also has interesting stuff to add. It may be a little different, but before I invite you to the game, I'd like at LEAST myself to sit down and chat with you, and if some of the players are available, them too. That way we can all make sure we get along, you can make sure this is the group and game you want to play, and we all have fun. While we are looking for a player, if we can find someone we can RP with in-character outside of the game, or talk to about games and shit, that would be awesome. To boil it down further, I'm looking for a personality, not a character. GROUP INFORMATION: We only meet every other Saturday at 3 PM Central, and sessions are usually about 3 hours long.

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  3. Do you rename your photos, specifically Portrait Mode & Live Photos? : ApplePhotos

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