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Tue, 02 Mar 2021 04:15:10 +0000
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That initiating domain... Anyway, I'm just glad to have survived. Vague, confusing, PrepCast really helped, PMI free test didn't, Vargas's melodious voice still in my ears, etc., etc. I'll come back and share my full story, but for now, I'm spent. Good luck, PMP candidates! You can do this! Edit, a day later: What I used: Rita - book, bootcamp, and FasTrack. Of all these, the book was the most helpful to me. I was able to read, re-read, skim, etc. like the class recommends. I didn't take to FasTrack like others might. Found it to be discouraging, overly wordy, etc. PrepCast - the course (this is how I got my 35 contact hours). I also purchased the extra exam base (keep watching for coupons on this). PrepCast quizzes and tests were vital to get in the flow for the test. The famous Vargas video. I listened to this video almost daily to get the process flow and order cemented. It helped me to go on a walk and listen to it on 2x speed just to absorb it via osmosis. :) Aileen - I didn't make it through all of her videos, just a few.

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Mejor episodio: 2x09 - 'Aguasnegras' Recomendable para: Deleitarse con los entresijos políticos que solo George R. Martin puede concebir. Temporada 1 El inicio de 'Juego de Tronos' fue simplemente sublime. Puede que le costara un poco arrancar, sobre todo para el público que no estuviera acostumbrado a la fantasía política, pero poco a poco iba dejando huellas sobre su estilo, hasta que en el penúltimo episodio acabó con quien pensábamos que era el protagonista. A partir de ese momento, todo en 'Juego de Tronos' se convirtió en imprevisible. A partir de ese momento, todo lo que sabíamos sobre series cambió para siempre. Mejor episodio: 1x09 - 'Baelor' Recomendable para: Presenciar un espectáculo sin precedentes en televisión. Temporada 3 La tercera temporada de 'Juego de Tronos' estuvo llena de parejas de personajes apasionantes, como Jon Nieve e Ygritte y Jamie Lannister y Brienne de Tarth. Entre los nuevos personajes, el ascenso de Daenerys y las intrigas por la corona, todo cobraba una dimensión superior.

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Glinda the Good Witch of the North: A good witch, Glinda is kind and merciful, but her influence diminishes away from her home in the North. She attempts to safeguard and guide Dorothy throughout her adventures. Themes Many of the themes of the book can be seen as simple lessons Baum wished to convey to his young readers. Childhood Innocence: The story celebrates a conception of childhood that combines duty, virtue, and good behavior with unfettered imagination. Baum paints Dorothy as thoroughly enjoying her voyage through the magical world of Oz while never flagging in her determination to return home. Inner Strength: Through the story, many of the characters start off believing themselves to be lacking in some fundamental way—the brains, courage, and heart Dorothy's companions wish for, and Dorothy herself seeks a way to get home—that they turn out to have always possessed. Friendship: The power of helping others and caring for them triumphs over the greed and anger of the Wicked Witch.


The task is far from easy, as these roads are among the busiest in the world, with up to 400, 000 vehicles passing through every day. [2] History After The Weather Channel 's show Highway Thru Hell achieved success, it decided to make another series about heavy recovery in Canada. On April 18, 2019, the show was shown on The Weather Channel in place of their morning forecast due to hackers attacking the station and taking the live forecasting off-air. [3] Episodes [4] Season Series Premiere Season Finale 1 9 October 10, 2016 February 28, 2017 2 10 January 2, 2018 March 6, 2018 3 14 January 8, 2019 April 9, 2019 4 January 7, 2020 April 7, 2020 Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Season 4 References External links Official Discovery Channel Canada website: Heavy Rescue: 401 (original network website) Heavy Rescue 401 on Twitter: Heavy Rescue 401 on Facebook: Heavy Rescue: 401 on IMDb This page was last edited on 7 December 2020, at 03:18