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'I'm from a big family and so is Pete': Emily Andre confirms the couple are discussing having two more children in the next three years Published: 07:13 EST, 22 June 2020 | Updated: 08:48 EST, 22 June 2020 Peter Andre's wife Emily has confirmed that the couple have been discussing having two more children. In an interview with OK! Magazine the NHS doctor, 30, revealed the couple have been considering having another two children before Peter, 47, turns 50. The couple already share daughter Amelia, six, and son Theo, three, while Peter has Junior, 15, and Princess, 12, from his marriage to Katie Price. Big plans: Peter Andre's wife Emily has confirmed that the couple have been discussing having two more children (pictured in 2019) Emily said: 'With Theo going to school in September, it gives us a year to think about it, so we have plenty of time. 'The kids never really ask about having another sibling but I guess there's already four of them and we have a busy household! 'I also don't worry about disrupting the family dynamic because I'm from a big family and so is Pete, it would obviously change, but you still try and give each child the same amount of time and love. '

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A El trailer de la peli, me indicaba que el resultado final, sería algo maravilloso o "cualquier cosa". Seguramente, si este guión, no lo hubiera tomado Tim Burton, el resultado hubiera sido cualquier cosa. También me asustaba el hecho de que tuviera demasiada fantasía.. Cuando terminé de verla, quedé en mi butaca unos minutos... estaba conmovido... y agradable sorpresa fue ver la cantidad de gente que había aún después de los títulos, eso es una buena señal. Ahora yendo a la peli en sí, tiene un relato con un ritmo regular, es muy simpática y agradable. No hay drama en esta historia. Es permanentemente una alegría tras otra. Pero tanta alegría es la que a uno lo va a emocionar al final. La historia de la peli, para contarla yo de manera menos fantástica, la podría resumir en un hijo que esta distanciado del padre, y que le reprocha que en realidad nunca supo nada de su vida, ya que el siempre le contó historias fantásticas y que simplemente el quería saber la verdad. El final está planteado desde la mitad de la peli, pero no creo que nadie imagine que llegará de esa manera, lo maravilloso es ver como llega todo a la conclusión.

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Si no estás registrad@ puedes contactarnos vía Twitter, FB o por email a info -arroba- filmaffinity -punto- com. Los derechos de propiedad intelectual de las críticas corresponden a los correspondientes críticos y/o medios de comunicación de los que han sido extraídos. Filmaffinity no tiene relación alguna con el productor, productora o el director de la película. El copyright del poster, carátula, fotogramas, fotografías e imágenes de cada DVD, VOD, Blu-ray, tráiler y banda sonora original (BSO) pertenecen a las correspondientes productoras y/o distribuidoras.

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"He had an innate talent but he was also very quick to grasp that in the 1960s, the so-called 'youthquake' was changing all kinds of culture - not just clothes. The French worried the centre of fashion was drifting north to London: YSL was vital in pulling it back to Paris. "And his partner, Pierre Berge, combined aesthetic insight with business sense - that's very rare. " Armstrong says the film shows how they complemented one another, without quite finding a way to dramatise how Saint Laurent totally changed female fashion. "He gave us individual pieces like the famous 'smoking' tuxedo in 1966 and the safari look. After he split with the House of Dior, he and Berge moved fashion away from haute couture towards pret-a-porter. Armstrong says the designer "gave us the concept of cool on the catwalk, leaving behind the elegant but slightly old-fashioned look which dominated for years. His big idea was that women could be sexy, modern and emancipated by looking slightly androgynous. "Women don't think twice today about slinging on a boyfriend shirt or even boyfriend trousers - but we've forgotten that that Left Bank insouciance was basically down to Yves Saint Laurent.

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