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If you're a social media user and have liked even one page of any sort of conservation site/community/page/and such, you probably already have seen an article about SeaWorld announcing they're canceling their killer whales breeding program. "Blackfish" is a documentary that should be watched by every single person on earth, but definitely by anyone who's even remotely interested in animals, wildlife, marine wildlife, and conservation. So, here's the link: 3 facts you might not have known about killer whales: They're not classified as whales, they're actually the biggest kind of dolphins The scientific name (according to Wikipedia) is: Orcinus orca In Patagonia, South America, There's a pod of Orcas known to hunt baby seals by gliding to shore, catching the pup, and sliding back in the water. Orca catching a baby seal on shore in South America 3 facts people should remember when watching documentaries: Any documentaries is made and told from a very specific point of view. It should never be just accepted the way it is edited in the end.

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Season 4, Episode 13 Valley Inn First Aired: October 10, 2012 Robert comes to the aid of two brothers in Palos Hills, Ill., who find it difficult to attract customers to their restaurant, the Valley Inn, which their parents opened 40 years ago. If You Like This Show… Recommendations based on the shows you already love Discover Now! Today's Netflix Top 10 Rankings Which of them are actually worth watching My News Sign up and add shows to get the latest updates about your favorite shows - Start Now

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The cast was ridiculous so we figured it would be good. I ended up being beyond blown away by it. It is easily one of my favorite films now. With that said, Day of the Saldado is not quite as good as the first Sicario. Denis Villeneuve not returning as the director feels like it is 90% of the reason for this. The pacing is not quite as well handled. Instead of artfully and steadily building into a fantastically violent crescendo, it rises and falls at times. Consequently, the experience is a little less "edge of your seat" than the first. Also, without something to fill the void of the unusual perspective switch from the first, Day of the Saldado feels a little less unique and more like a straight forward dramatic action film. The final conflict/resolution, while somewhat subversive, is not ultimately as satisfying as it was in the first either. With all of that said, it is still and excellent film. While Villeneuve did not return to direct, the original writer of the first film did. Consequently, the story and premises themselves are actually very clever and original.

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I don't recommend you watch it but if you're curious his channel is called living waters. Video: He also filmed a helpless lady who was screaming without her consent who was seriously mentally ill because he thought she was possessed... He didn't blur her outadequately either so now people might recognise her from that other video and be stigmatised. Supposedly he tried to "help" but then he "offered" her gift cards and left. What's that going to do...?