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Wed, 10 Feb 2021 16:29:20 +0000

Nello show sono state usate un totale di 15 moto adattate a "Street Hawk", in particolare sono stati usati i seguenti modelli: Honda XL 500 nell' episodio pilota (questa moto non era ancora equipaggiata con mitragliatrici e lanciamissili) Honda XR 500 nelle riprese ravvicinate Honda CR 250 per i salti Episodi [ modifica | modifica wikitesto] Stagione Episodi Prima TV originale Prima TV Italia Prima stagione 13 1985 Curiosità [ modifica | modifica wikitesto] L'attore protagonista Rex Smith è in primis un cantante, che riscosse molto successo fra i teenager statunitensi degli anni settanta. Christopher Lloyd, che interpreterà Emmett "Doc" Brown in Ritorno al futuro, appare nel primo episodio nel ruolo di Anthony Corrido. George Clooney, che all'epoca aveva 24 anni, appare nel secondo episodio nel ruolo di Kevin Stark. Inizialmente era prevista la produzione di più stagioni, ma a causa del ridotto budget a disposizione degli effetti speciali e dell'eccessiva somiglianza a Supercar, serie TV di successo prodotta già dal 1982 e che come veicolo futuristico utilizzava invece un'auto, la produzione si è conclusa dopo appena 13 episodi, girati nel 1984.

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He gave more than $700 million in gifts to health ranging from a $270 million grant to improve public healthcare in Vietnam to a $176 million gift to the Global Brain Health Institute, a partnership program between Trinity College Dublin and the University of California, San Francisco. One of Feeney's final gifts, $350 million for Cornell to build a technology campus on New York City's Roosevelt Island, is a classic example of his giving philosophy. While notoriously frugal in his own life, Feeney was ready to spend big and go for broke when the value and potential impact outweighed the risk. FORBES spoke to Influential Philanthropists On How Chuck Feeney Changed Charity And Inspired Giving "Chuck's been the model for us all. If you have the right heroes in life, you're 90% of the way home. Chuck Feeney is a good hero to have. " "Chuck Feeney is a true pioneer. Spending down his resources during his lifetime has inspired a generation of philanthropists, including me. And his dedication to anonymous giving—and focus on addressing the problems of the day—reflect the strength of his character and social conscience.

Thanks again to all the writers who have contributed to this post. Again, for pictures I am offering incentives as to why you WANT to break through your writers block. LLOYD GARVER (FRASIER, HOME IMPROVEMENT, ALF, THE NORM SHOW) Years ago, I actually took a course about writer's block at UCLA extension. We were taught stuff that you and I pretty much already know: put anything down, keep moving forward, etc. One interesting thing was that many people are afraid to mess up the perfect blank page with what they think is shit (obviously, I'm not one of them), so they have a hard time getting started. This was in the pre-compute days, and the teacher suggested that those people draw on the paper, crumple it up, do anything so that it's not pristine. Then they won't feel like they're messing up a perfect page with their first draft attempt. For me, if someone is paying me or even waiting or expecting what I'm writing, I have no or little trouble with writer's block. I'm motivated by fear -- "fear of getting in trouble, " so I put something down.

Publicado El agosto 08, 2017 con ningún comentario Título original: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Otro Título: Guardians of the Galaxy 2 / Guardianes de la Galaxia Vol 2 (2017) HD 1080p Latino Año: 2017 Duración: 137 min. País: Estados Unidos Director: James Gunn Guion: James Gunn (Cómic: Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning) Música: Tyler Bates Fotografía: Henry Braham Reparto: Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista, Bradley Cooper, Vin Diesel, Kurt Russell, Michael Rooker, Karen Gillan, Elizabeth Debicki, Tommy Flanagan, Sean Gunn, Pom Klementieff, Chris Sullivan, Sylvester Stallone, Stan Lee Productora: Marvel Studios / Walt Disney Pictures Género: Ciencia ficción. Aventuras. Acción. Comedia | Aventura espacial. Superhéroes. Cómic. Marvel Comics. Secuela. 3-D Tras el éxito cosechado con 'Guardianes de la Galaxia' en dos mil catorce, se estrena el veintiocho de abril de dos mil diecisiete su secuela: 'Guardianes de la Galaxia vol. 2'. James Gunn vuelve a redactar y dirigir este nuevo largo, que se transformó en la enorme sorpresa del Cosmos Cinematográfico Marvel.

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Plot Summary | Add Synopsis Did You Know? Trivia The real Marty is the other Photographer! See more » Goofs When the old man is carving the wood, he has it almost complete, drops it and when he picks it up again it's much less carved. See more » Quotes Coach Tice: You know, football's a rough game; it's unpredictable. Life itself, squeezed into 60 minutes in 100 yards. Now, you can't control who your mom and daddy is, but you can control how hard you work. Sow with thought, you reap in action. Sow with action, you reap a habit. You sow a habit, you reap a character. You sow a character, you reap a destiny. Every place starts with a cadence and ends with a whistle. What you do in between, determines your legacy, so make sure you give it everything you've... See more » Crazy Credits There is some footage of the real Brandon after the last credits.

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