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Thu, 25 Feb 2021 06:37:11 +0000

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FAQs, recommended readings, recommended podcasts and open Yale courses r/raisedbynarcissists u/straightouttagehenna The Skeptic's Annotated Bible u/straightouttagehenna Vaknin, Sam. The Cult of the Narcissist. u/Sy1990: "This perfectly describes the personalities of Felix, Erdy and Eddie. There are also observed parallelism to the 3 generational leadership of NoKor. " -------------------- What are your recommendations? Post in this thread and I'll add them to the list (if Reddit will still let me edit it). Remember, nothing that's about the INC itself. Let's save anti-INC recs for a different thread, which anyone is free to start.

In the novel, Flaubert does not comment directly on his heroine's adultery, but his ironic detachment is crucial to the style of the work. In this 1991 film version, directed by the great Claude Chabrol, there is actually a "voiceover" and this is most effective in its ironic presentation of the action. The film is sumptuous in its depiction of French country life, but it never sacrifices realism for romanticism. It is a long film (over two hours), but it never has its longueurs. Isabelle Huppert is somehow not quite my idea of Emma Bovary, but she is, of course, a magnificent actress and the supporting actors are all superb. This is as good a film version of "Madame Bovary" as you are likely to find. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 21 April 2016 I think this is by far the best film version of the classic story. And most of the credit goes to the great Isabelle Hupert, who conveys the frustrations of a woman entirely under the control of men, brilliantly. It's exceptionally good and leaves the latest version looking sorely lacking in every department except the photography.

Je dois bientôt déménager et j'en profite pour refaire ma cuisine. Et tant qu'à faire, je voulais me rééquiper en made in France pour le frigo, le four et le lave-vaisselle. Mais sur les sites de vente en ligne, il est impossible de savoir où sont produites ces machines. Donc je me tourne vers vous, est-ce qu'il reste possible de s'équiper en made in France? Ou tout du moins éviter d'acheter made in China et soutenir l'industrie en Europe de l'Ouest? Quelles marques privilégier pour ça? En ligne je vois très peu d'informations à ce propos, tout ce que j'ai trouvé c'est que Whirlpool a investi dans son usine en France, mais ils disent pas ce qu'ils y produisent. Merci d'avance!

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