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Tue, 02 Mar 2021 02:25:06 +0000
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Sams created a new role, Neptune, the stern sea god, to showcase legendary Spanish tenor Plàcido Domingo, as well as Sycorax, the sorceress mother of the slave Caliban who, only imagined in The Tempest, is played by feisty American mezzo-soprano Joyce DiDonato. The English libretto is tautly structured in two acts, Sams says, "a bit more like a Broadway musical—every piece of music is essential. It's music that says 'Listen to this! '" Creating the enchanted island itself fell to two of the most expansive minds in opera today: director Phelim McDermott and designer Julian Crouch, of the British theater company Improbable, responsible for the Met's transportive Satyagraha in 2008 (which will be revived this season). "The way the music is structured cyclically, it was a challenge, staging-wise, " McDermott says. "How do you make the acting compelling? " The repetitive nature of Baroque arias—which may only consist of four sentences but last as long as 12 minutes—forced DiDonato to plumb Sycorax's psychological depths.

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The answer is, even if you did, I'd still recommend you stay far away from this thing. Frankly, anyone who's within a arms reach of sharp instruments should probably stay away from it. For those of you hoping for a movie about actual literal cougars, (as in big cats in the wild) well, you're really out of as a consolation prize, here's some cute cougar kittens who have done no crime in this world other than just being gosh darned adorable. Now if this movie had just been about someone who was raised by a pack of wild kittens, not only would I have been onboard, but I'm sure it would have won every award ever. Because, kittens. Moving on... Here's what you need to know. And when I say "need" I mean, "here's what a lazy cliche ridden plot looks like"... Three college guys - they're hunky, so they look good in underwear, but they wear glasses so you know they're smart - they go to a "job interview" for summer jobs. And three "cougars" as in, well, you know. There's lots of bad sexual innuendos, bad sound, bad editing, bad life choices, bad everything.

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