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I'm waiting until I'm financially stable to have a restraining order against him and get consent from the police to hide my address when I run away, change my name, and be given the right to kill him if he were to track me down. When I discovered this sub, I was pissed at how you handwave the actions of the Muslim society with the 'not all Muslims' and 'Muslims don't represent Islam' excuse. If you really care about the image of Islam, then you shouldn't be coward internet warriors, you should get off your coward asses and do something about that nightmare that millions of victims like me, be it minorities, victims of war, victims of rape that have been silenced have gone through. If you really care about Islam, reform Muslim societies.

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I used to go to the mixed gender weddings because the women weren't dancing half naked there). I prayed to god that I won't give up on him if he showed me mercy for once, for I didn't have a single friend nor anyone to turn to. The following week, I made one of the worst decisions out of my life. I confessed to my dad about my rape, and got beaten half to death and my mother was almost thrown out the window. I was called a delusional liar and he blamed my mother for my delusions. He gave me the same 'god won't let a pious woman be raped' I renounced Islam right then and there. I became extremely suicidal, having thought about for a while, I almost slit my wrists.... a non Muslim stopped me. A *kafir* stopped me and told me that I shouldn't give up on life. I managed to find a closet secular the following year, I cannot specify any details about them because doing so might put them at risk since they are still there. They had the same sentiment about basic human rights, but we both would be killed by either the regime for 'speaking western ideas' or by Muslims *because they really loathe agnostics/atheists there* We had to keep our mouths shut and meet up in secret with the fear of being killed every time we met up.

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They were not nice. They were cruel, amoral in their dealings with them, and we turned a blind eye for protection.. But now that protection is gone, the narrative has cracked. White America has revealed its seedy underbelly, and all its glorious stretchmarks. The Walmart Class has taken over, it's a new Weimar Republic run by a bunch of gelatinous herd animals in Grranimals sweats and motorized scooters and backwards baseball caps. These motherfuckers have smashed the new neoliberal order and the foundational pillars of world peace and stability. They've taken over our hallowed institutions and pissed on the Washington Monument. They sent a neutron bomb to the White House, and who's to say within the next four years, that phrase will no longer be figurative. Our foreign policy leaders and defense officials have failed us, they need to clean house. The FBI must be cleansed of all the Comey serpents and their neo-Confederate insurrection. Police must all wear body cams -- this is for their protection as much as ours.

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During that time, I fell in love with someone online and they (again, for safety measures, I cannot specify) helped me to recover mentally. For the first time since in ten years *I smiled*... I hadn't smiled for ten years prior meeting this other *kafir* ten years... most of my childhood and teenage years I didn't smile from how psychologically broken I was. We kept the relationship secret, because my father was getting crazier with him calling my ADHD diagnosis from a licensed professional bullshit. Two years later, my dad finally figured out that things were getting too dangerous in Syria and decided that it was time to finally go back to the western country. The Muslim community there is toxic... I'd get chased by men asking me if I am single and men telling me they're looking for a wife, and I'd have to suffer the humiliation of listening to Muslims there, and my parents, say that the LGBT people should be killed or forced to be 'straight'... My father told me that I'm only to marry a Syrian Muslim *or else*......

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That metadata that's created from this series, with all the great research that's been done out there, I think we're up to three million words now, and all the metadata from the scraping. Five Bibles plate King James Version 750 thousand words. So yeah, about six Bibles, but it'll continue to grow more and more, and that's not counting the links the articles were the links point to which also have entities So sometimes I don't make mistakes, sometimes I deliberately make what I should have said. Yeah I knew Aristophanes calculated the circumference of the earth. I just wanted to say Archimedes so badly, and it's a good story actually, because Archimedes was from Syracuse, Sicily, and you've got Aristophanes from where Libya is, not too far from Benghazi, in a place near modern-day Shiraz. They both meet in Alexandria in Egypt, on the on the Nile, on the Mediterranean Sea. So it's kind of an east-meets-west story. They were contemporaries of each other. So you know they're Stephanie's story now and modeling: it just shows you the power of modeling.

I was born bossy, patronizing, executive. I tell people what to do. I tell them to come, they come. I tell them to go, they go. Influence is as natural to me as my English. And if I have to get into a few more confrontations with assholes that look down on me for my skin, that's fine. Small price to pay for living free. But this guy was a class act. "Black Lives Matter are terrorists. Obama only got elected because he was black. Mexicans are gangsters. " It was like a headline in r/ShitRedditSays, except in real life. And the way he casually tossed "fuck you" at me, caught me momentarily off guard. Off course, muscle memory and reptilian instincts take hold in these kinds of moments, so I just casually told him "fuck you too. " Then I reported his ass to HR. Let me tell you what happened. When all this shit first was going down, I was here, penning a message from my rocky crag out in the Midwest. There, surrounded by sheep that were steadily growing more restless, I realized the godawful truth: fundamentally, all straight, white, Christian men are racist.

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