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Fri, 26 Feb 2021 11:06:52 +0000
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This is fascinating to me since superheroes often function as patriotic symbols, and Muslims are regarded as the quintessential "other" because Islam is usually framed as incompatible with the West. After reading Sooraya Qadir's debut, it became obvious to me that comics found a new way to sensationalize Muslim representation. Enter Kamala Khan To me, Kamala seemed to be the rare glimpse of hope that existed on the other side of the rainbow if we just characterized Muslims — who make up almost one-quarter of the world's population — as something more nuanced. And she delivered on that front, particularly in her early days. Readers met her as a Pakistani American that spoke Urdu. This means we saw representation of Muslims in the West escape the frequent stereotypical assumption that all Muslims are Arabs and vice versa. This panel from Ms. Marvel, Volume 1, digital edition, written by G. Willow Wilson and illustrated by Adrian Alphona, depicts Kamala Khan as a believable character in a possible real-world setting.

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¿Y Carrie? Bien, su vida merece definitivamente la calificación "X". La vida puede tener sus altibajos, pero no hay ni un segundo de aburrimiento cuando formas parte de esta deslumbrante pandilla. Así que ponte tus Manolos y acompaña a este fabuloso cuarteto según pegan un enorme y femenino mordisco a la Gran Manzana y tratan de averiguar si realmente existe un hombre de verdad en Manhattan.

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