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Mon, 01 Mar 2021 05:27:25 +0000

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He's also being raised in an environment where he's encouraged, and even celebrated for violence against others by his family. In that kind of environment, Jack Jack is going to grow up without ever having to mature and learn to use his powers responsibly. He'll learn to use them to lash out at others violently, regardless of collateral damage. Violet Violet's case is the least clear of all the Parr kids. She's nowhere near as gleefully violent as Jack Jack or Dash. But, she displays an array of other psychopathic tendencies. When we first meet Violet, she's gloomy, shy, and socially withdrawn from everyone at her school, and even her own family. After being told constantly to hide her powers from others, and hearing how different she is emphasized over and over, Violet feels separate from the rest of the world. Violet is also shown to have a quick temper with her brother Dash ( Evidence 8 sorry for the bad quality). She goes from being quiet and shy to taking a flying wrestling leap across the table.

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